Andrew Carnegie once said if you want to be successful at any business become a student of that business. Rotary is no different. To be a more effective Rotarian become a student and learn all you can about Rotary. This is your opportunity to do just that. On October 28-29 (2016) the district will put on the annual training weekend. This weekend combines the district leadership seminar, district team training, and district assembly.
The Spirit Ridge Resort will have suites set aside for special Rotary rates. Call 1-250-495-5445 (ext.2) for reservations and mention you are with District 5060 Rotary. This is a great place for a vacation, so be sure to let folks know they can bring spouses and/or families and stay for the weekend.
In Rotary Service, District 5060 Trainer,
Bev Rundell (R/C Vernon Silverstar)