Rotary Club of Edmonton 
Invites you to attend this presentation - in person or online
Monday January 13th noon MST
Chateau Lacombe Hotel

Speaker: District Governor Brian Edwards
Title:  Annual District Governor presentation

Brian Edwards will host the annual District Governor presentation.  

Please register before 12 noon MST Thursday January 9th.  

Rotary Club of Edmonton (downtown) members may Login using ClubRunner ID.  Rotarians from other clubs  must enter name and other details as a guest before proceeding to Select Options.  Please state the names of any guests included in the registration.
Contact Information
Optional: Do you have a ClubRunner login?
User Name:
Your Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Preferred Phone:
Address 1:
Zip/Postal Code:
If purchasing parking, please record license plate number.:
If you have guests attending, please record their name(s).: