Rotary Club of Edmonton 
Invites you to attend this presentation - in person or online
Monday July 17th noon
Chateau Lacombe Hotel

Speaker:  Andrew MacIsaac, CEO, Applied Pharmaceutical Innovation (API)
Topic:    How Life Sciences is Strengthening the Edmonton Region 

The Edmonton Region has much to capitalize on in the life sciences. Learn how API is leading the way to bringing this industry to its full potential through game-changing projects like the Canadian Critical Drug Initiative which recently received $80.5M in federal funding.

API is a not-for-profit organization with an expert interdisciplinary team that works with a network of collaborating organizations. As a whole, we provide the expertise, services, and infrastructure of a pharmaceutical company. We help innovators launch their ideas into the real world, connect industry to the services they need for commercial success, and accelerate all aspects of the drug development process.

Throughout the past two decades Andrew has successfully led  partnerships between industry, academia, government, and donors, and developed catalysts for economic investment totalling more than $600 million. With a background in economics and public sector management, Andrew has worked with UBC, and the University of Alberta, most recently as Assistant Dean for the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 

Rotary Club of Edmonton (downtown) members may Login using ClubRunner ID.  All others must enter name and other details as a guest before proceeding to Select Options.
For those joining us online, you will need to register in advance and pay the $10 online fee.   A Zoom link will be sent by 10 am morning of the meeting.​  If you missed it please send an e-mail message at 10 am.
Registration for this event closed on Jul 17, 2023 02:59 AM. If you have any questions please contact the event chairs:
Neil Lang,
Address: Rotary Club Edmonton at Chateau Lacombe